

  •   讚美,因空而起;有讚美,就有毀謗。但是,善惡因緣,都是和合而成,如夢幻泡影。
      A compliment arises from emptiness; where there are compliments, there is slander. All you have to know is that the good or evil causal karma all arise from a combination of certain causes and conditions, and it is just like a dream, an illusion, a bubble, or a shadow.
  •   看自己的眾生心是怎麼起的,就知道別人的心是怎麼起的。知道這個道理,自然會包容別人的不足,隨喜別人的功德。
      When you look at how your mind arises as an ordinary being, you will know how other’s mind arises. Knowing this reasoning, you will naturally tolerate the defects of others, and rejoice at the virtues of others accordingly.
  •   菩薩度化眾生,以眾生心為己心;應以何身得度,即現何身而為說法。
      The way a bodhisattva saves and transforms beings is by having the minds of all sentient beings in their heart; to understand what role best fits to help ferry beings, and to present themselves to preach the Dharma.
  •   一件事情,從頭到尾仔細做好,就是磨練。
      For any work, handle all the details well from start to finish. This will lead to self-discipline in any situation.
  •   修行人,要修到任何人一見到你,剛硬的心就被融化了。
      As a person practicing self-cultivation, you should practice attaining a quality of mind that when anyone meets you, their mind will soften, no matter how hard or tough their mind might be.
  •   人的福報有限,要珍惜福報、因緣,不要做了福的事。
      We have limited blessings and rewards; therefore, we should always cherish them and each causal karma, and do nothing that would cause us to lose our karmic rewards.
  •   你無須掙脫束縛,因為本來就沒有人束縛你。
      There is no need to struggle to free yourself from entanglements, because originally there is no-one that can bind you.
  •   要有磅礡的心胸,不要在小事上計較,才是大丈夫。
      Being of a boundless mind and not fussy about small things would qualify you as an upright, fearless person.
  •   有覺照,任何一個小小的動作,都會令他人歡喜。
      If you have clear awareness and illumination in your mind, whatever you do, even a minor action, can delight others.
  •   應該做的時候就做,應該休息就休息;要提得起,放得下。
      You should work when it’s time for work; you should rest when it is time to rest. Take charge of things when it is your responsibility to do so and let go of things when it is time to let go.
  •   壓力,是由得失心來;去除得失心,就沒有壓力。
      Stress comes from a mind concerned with gain and loss; if you could get rid of such a mind, you will be free of stress.
  •   學佛,就是要做個超凡入聖的人,不以凡人、好人為滿足。
      Learning from the Buddha, the goal is to cultivate oneself to transcend beyond the ordinary, rather than to just be satisfied as an ordinary good person. 
  •   起了煩惱,不好好懺悔,也會了福。
      When you encounter difficulties, worry, and vexation you should repent the past wrongdoings and vow not to repeat them; otherwise, you will lose your blessed reward.
  •   在家人,孝順父母是第一福田;出家人,尊敬師長是第一福田。
      As a layperson at home, paying filial obedience and devotion to your parents is the most important way to accumulate merit. Being a monk or nun, paying reverence to your masters and elders is the most important accumulation of merit.
  •   生理業障還可以過,心理業障就可怕了,所以要保持身心健全。
      The hindrance of past karma on the body is not so difficult to bear; however, the hindrance on the mind is much more horrible. Therefore, we must keep sound in mind and body.
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