人與人相處,要互相體諒、互相容忍,不可因別人做錯事,就嚴厲指責,厭惡他、排擠他,甚至與他誓不兩立,這是凡夫的想法與做法。反之,見他人有過失,應體諒他、同情他、關懷他、容忍他,這樣才能使他自覺慚愧,進而改過,斷除不良習氣。 To get along with people, one should be understanding and tolerant of others. On people’s wrong doings, never sternly accuse them, detest them, push them out from friends’ circle, or even treat them as an enemy, since all such behaviors are of ordinary people’s thinking and action. On the contrary, on any one’s wrong doings, if we can have understanding, be forgiving, and have sympathy toward them, care about and be tolerant with them, then they would have a chance to feel shameful and correct the faults and break off their undesirable habits.
凡夫所為,易為情所迷,執情自縛,故煩惱無邊,痛苦不斷。修行者當學悲智雙運,以智化情。 What ordinary people do is easily confused by their passions, being attached to passions is to bind oneself and produce unlimited afflictions and continuous pain. Therefore, practitioners should learn how to use both compassion and wisdom properly to settle their passions with wisdom.
菩薩要恒順眾生,不要故意和眾生唱反調。恒順眾生,是找機會度他,而不是同流合污,連自己都陷入泥沼。 Learning from and acting as a Bodhisattva, when dealing with sentient beings, we must assist them according to their needs and abilities, instead of acting in opposition with them so that we can find opportunities to ferry over them by leading them to believe in the Buddhas. But we must be careful not to associate with the undesirable elements of their needs and then bog ourselves down in the mud.
佛菩薩是大慈大悲,對愚癡眾生只有憐憫,絕不會有厭惡及瞋恚的心理。學佛者當「以佛心為己心」,憫念愚癡的人,發願以權巧方便,引導其走向佛的光明,不可反生染穢的凡夫心。 A Buddha or bodhisattva is full of compassion and mercy, treating ignorant and deluded beings with pity without any dislike or anger. Learning from the Buddha, one should maintain the mind of Buddhas as one’s own mind; when thinking of ignorant and deluded people, one should make a vow to lead them in a convenient and subtle way toward the brightness of Buddha, never producing an attached and contaminated mind of ordinary people.
修行人要謙虛不高慢,面對驕傲自大的人,若生起不舒服、討厭的心,就是自己生起了眾生心,應趕緊降伏掉。 A practitioner should be humble and avoid arrogance. When faced with an arrogant person, if one feels uncomfortable and has a dislike toward them, one is producing a mind of sentient beings and should be aware of it and try to tame it quickly.
修行人要謙虛不高慢,面對驕傲自大的人,若生起不舒服、討厭的心,就是自己生起了眾生心,應趕緊降伏掉。 A practitioner should be humble and avoid arrogance. When faced with an arrogant person, if one feels uncomfortable and has a dislike toward them, one is producing a mind of sentient beings and should be aware of it and try to tame it quickly.
在家人賺錢很辛苦,不可因生活富裕,養成隨用隨丟奢侈浪費的壞習慣,殊不知這是會折福了福。不要以為福報是取之不盡、用之不竭而任意揮霍,一旦傾家蕩產貧苦現前時,再回頭想惜福已來不及了。 It is hard for people to earn money for living. When one is in affluent position, one should avoid bad habits of being extravagant and throwing away things in wasteful way, because in doing this, you may lose your rewards and merits as they will be consumed up soon. Do not think your rewards and merits are unlimited and squander it, once you are ruined and end up falling into poverty, it would be too late to think of cherishing the rewards and merits.
修行人要避免眾生心;眾生心,是事事站在自己的立場,只顧自己的利益,不能隨順對方的需求。若不能隨順對方時,也應學會婉轉推卻,不啟發他人惡根,損他威德,否則會使人產生不良印象,因而失去信佛的因緣。 A practitioner should avoid producing a mind of sentient beings, as such a mind considers all things on the perspective of oneself, caring only one’s own benefits, and doesn’t go along with what others may want and desire. When it is difficult to follow with what others want, they should learn how to tactfully decline so as not to inspire negative roots of others that would harm their virtue and dignity. Otherwise, it may lead people to have a negative impression of practitioners and miss the causes and conditions to believe in the Buddha.
菩薩行者要廣結善緣,對人多愛語利行,使對方生歡喜心、信仰心,才能進而引導他人信佛、學佛。 Practitioners who follow the Bodhisattva way should make positive connections or conditions with all people they meet; so that wherever they go, they provide praising and encouraging words to help people produce joyous mind and develop faith. Only in such way can they lead people to believe in and learn from the Buddha.
行者不應追求一切境界,否則容易產生執著,感應魔障現前。魔障一現前,慧命堪憂!故時時當觀《金剛經》所言:「凡所有相,皆是虛妄;若見諸相非相,即見如來。」 When practicing the teachings of Buddha, one should not expect to attain anything that may lead you to think ‘I have attained a better enlightenment’. Such expectations would produce a mind of attachment that would invite Mara to endanger your practice of cultivating wisdom. Therefore, one should always contemplate the Gatha in the Diamond Sutra that reads: “All forms of phenomena are illusive and when one realizes all forms are not real as it is, one is seeing the true nature of Tathagata”.
得到的時候,就是失去的開始;成功的時候,就是失敗的開始;所以修行人要無得失、無成敗。 Gaining could be the start of losing.
Success could be the start of failure.
Therefore, a practitioner should keep a mind that bears no gain or loss, and no success or failure.
持戒是護福法。 Maintaining precepts is the Dharma of protecting blessings.
拜山,可以去黑暗得光明,使自己本具的慈光顯現。 “Bai-shan”, a way of worship by prostrating oneself while walking to a temple, will help you get away from darkness and attain brightness, and unfold the light of your kind, loving, and merciful mind.
拜山,就是要拜除自己的貢高我慢山。 “Bai-shan”, a way of worship by prostrating, “bai” means kneeling down and bowing to the ground every three steps while walking to a temple, giving up one’s own pride and arrogance that is as high as a “shan” -- mountain.
人要消除怒怨,就要常常修空。 To eliminate one’s anger and resentment, one must practice thinking of “emptiness,”—there is no existence of a substantial self.